How To Find Your Guardian Dragon

Last week we covered the Basic Dragon flame Ritual which is one of the first rituals to help you in learning Dragon Magick. This ritual also allowed you to reach out to the 9 Draconic Elemental Rulers that we talk about in an early post this month. Now I would like to really dig into one of the main and key parts of Dragon Magick finding your own Guardian Dragon.

A Guardian Dragon is not just a dragon that looks after you like a guard dog. It is also your liaison with other dragons Including the 9 elemental rulers. These little dragons are there to help you in spell work and meditation and help introduce you to other dragons. Without them, it is very difficult to near impossible to get close enough to older dragons to befriend them and work with them.

Add to that These little dragons become real true friends and in me and my wife’s case my little dragons are family. This is the first real test in Dragon Magick as you not only need to find them but befriend them and bound with them.

Later they will help you find what in Dragon Magick is often called your Co-magician. This is a much older dragon that will be responsible for most of your teaching and guidance in your path as they will be with you at all times along with your Guardian Dragon think of them like your Homeroom teacher and their teaching assistant. We will be going more into Co-Magicians next week, for now, enjoy the video below on Guardian Dragons and how you can go about finding your own Guardian Dragon.

Magickal Uses of Mugwort

Today In our Urban Magick and Kitchen Witchcraft Series. I wanted to go over the magickal properties of one of my favorite herbs for journeywork and trance work Mugwort, In the video below we cover its uses and some ways to use it in your magickal practice.

Mugwort has been known to be harsh on the liver so if you have liver issues or if you are pregnant or lactating avoid taking mugwort internally such as tea form. ALWAYS consult with your doctor for the safety of use.

Making A Physical Ritual Circle

I get a lot of emails and messages asking how to make a physical ritual circle. There are indeed many ways to do this as in the end you only need a permanent or semi-permanent circle. Now I don’t want that to sound silly cause lets be honest many of us do not have the ability to do a massive inlay or pained circle on the floor even if that would be cool I have to agree. Add to that how can one make one that if need be is low key enough that if they live with family or roommates who don’t know they practice that the physical circle can go unnoticed. So I wanted to do this video to share how I approached this very issue in my own practice. To give you some ideas to use to make or own or start brainstorming for your own solution and ideal to craft your own.

Meditation Hurdles and How to Overcome Them

I get asked or told all the time how people having issues with meditation can overcome the issues they are having or they tell me they just can’t meditate at all because insert any number of reasons. So I wanted to cover the three most common hurdles most people face and ask me about practically weekly. In hopes of helping all those new to meditation and or magick get the most out of their practice and avoid these bumps in their path. Enjoy the video and let us know if you have any questions we are here to help if we can.

If you are new to meditation we have an intro to meditation Blog here

We also offer a Full Beginner to advance online meditation class. that will teach you everything you need to know to have strong working knowledge and skill in the core foundations of meditation. This will allow you to easily learn other forms of meditation practices and uses them in your personal path easily.

Introduction To Basic Meditation

One of the most basic and fundamental skills in magick or any spiritual practice for that matter is meditation. Yet somehow meditation is the most overlooked and perhaps misunderstood topic and practice. I get emails daily about how to start meditation or how to improve a mediation practice.

One of the first things I tell clients is practice makes better there is no perfect. I personally recommend meditating twice a day for 5 to 10 mins at least each day. Know I know for a beginner this is asking a lot but set this as a goal to work up to. In the video below we cover a few mediations for a beginner new to the practice to get started right away. We also offer a Full Beginner to advance online meditation class. that will teach you everything you need to know to have strong working knowledge and skill in the core foundations of meditation. This will allow you to easily learn other forms of meditation practices and uses them in your personal path easily.