One of the most basic and fundamental skills in magick or any spiritual practice for that matter is meditation. Yet somehow meditation is the most overlooked and perhaps misunderstood topic and practice. I get emails daily about how to start meditation or how to improve a mediation practice.
One of the first things I tell clients is practice makes better there is no perfect. I personally recommend meditating twice a day for 5 to 10 mins at least each day. Know I know for a beginner this is asking a lot but set this as a goal to work up to. In the video below we cover a few mediations for a beginner new to the practice to get started right away. We also offer a Full Beginner to advance online meditation class. that will teach you everything you need to know to have strong working knowledge and skill in the core foundations of meditation. This will allow you to easily learn other forms of meditation practices and uses them in your personal path easily.