In this episode of The Magickal Coffee Hour, we try to cover a very hard topic of cultural appropriation and cultural respect. This is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart for many reasons. One that I feel could benefit from more calm and respect discourse. I know a lot of people may not like this topic so if we take nothing else away from this topic. I hope in my heart of hearts we can all at least take this. Every day let us try and learn more about each other where we come from and honor and respect the people and the culture to the best of our ability.
Tag: chaos
Magickal Coffee Hour New Year’s Special 2019-2020
In this Episode of the Magickal coffee hour, we celebrate New Year’s and talk about way you can celebrate. We also cover some way you can work to manifest your goals and dreams throughout the year. Join us live every Sunday at 8 pm EST at
Working Dragon Mystic Meditation Course.

Magickal Coffee Hour EP 7 2019 Yule Special
In this episode of the Magickal Coffee Hour, we talk about yule some ways one can celebrate it some of the different meanings and how to just enjoy the season in general.
Dragon Magick The 9 Elemental Rulers
We are kicking off our Dragon Magick month by Talking about the nine elemental rulers in Dragon Magick. So who or what are the nine elemental rulers and what do they do? In Dragon Magick there are nine elements that dragons work with not just the more common 4 or 5. These elements are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Darkness, Light, Spirit, Maelstrom, and Chaos.
Each of these nine elements has countless dragons that work in them to help make changes and to maintain the balance. Each of these elements also has a Draconic Ruler that oversees all dragons that fall under their element. These Nine powerful dragons are the nine elemental rulers and these nine dragons are very important to the dragon magick practitioner as these are dragons all practitioners must build a strong relationship with if they wish to go deeper in dragon magick. In the video below we cover the nine rulers and some of the areas they can help in.
Magickal Coffee Hour EP6 Angels and Demons
In this episode of the Magickal Coffee Hour, we talk about Angels and Demons and some of the lore that surrounds. How they are viewed from culture to culture and how the common ideal may not be the truest one.
Magickal Coffee Hour Episode 5
In this episode of the Magickal Coffee Hour, we talk about different magickal books and journals from Grimoires to Books of Shadows and even touch on the legends of Tomes of Power.
Magickal Coffee Hour EP 4
In this Episode of the magickal coffee hour, we talk about how you can attune or align with different types of energy, magicks or practices. Follow Working Dragon Mystic on twitch and Caffeine And Chaos on twitch and watch the Magickal Coffee Hour and other streams live. Where you can take part in the show and ask questions can have a good time with us.