Working With The Triple Goddess

Learn to work with the Triple Goddess. learn her three aspects and some of each of their correspondences and three methods to work with and get to know the Triple Goddess and experience your own person deep gnosis with her.

The Tripple Goddess was one of the first divine aspects I was taught to work with. Most of the books I found did not give me a lot to go one. I was lucky to find some very good teachers and later to be able to learn straight from divinity and spirit its self. So I wanted to share some of the things I was taught to help other seekers out there. May your path always be blessed.

What is Dragon Magick?

Dragon Magick put simply is the practice of working with and making life long friends and allies with dragons. It is not often talked about form of magick but it has been my main focus almost all of my time in magick. The focus is primarily on Balance. This has allowed me to move in and out of almost any type of magickal study I wanted so I could learn and master even more. I hope you enjoy this introduction to dragon magick I plan to have a lot more on the topic in the future.

Here are affiliate links to the books by DJ Conway I mentioned in the video if you would like to check them out and do more research on the topic

Dancing With Dragons by DJ Conway

Mystical Dragon Magick by DJ Conway

Dragon Magick by DJ Conway